Turn your idea into reality. It is great to have you here.


Welcome to InvestLegions,

This social network is made for people who want to use their ressources to fight against underdevelopment. if you are a entrepreneur. The site provides a great setup to plan and follow your own project. It is a good opportunity for entrepreneur to realize their dreams.

Our consulting team are working with different enterprises and entrepreneurs around the world. Experts of our community are qualify and available to support you. They use their skills to find the best solution for your project. This is the community that each projectmanager wish to have to start a project. Sign up and let us make of your idea a business.







Our Network

You search projects or investpartner to achieve new goals. You believe that your capital should be used to create job and change life. This is the place to be.


You have already achieve some projects and want to increase to size of your activity. You search partners to reach the next level.


You are one of the best in your profession. You are ready to use your skills and experience to coach others in differents projects.



1. create or join a project

You can join a existing project on the network or create a new one. Each project will be studied and only if the requirement are expected.

2. Plan your project

The project owner is responsable of all outcome of the project. This plattform can not promise the success of a project.

3. Study of the project

Our Team will verify if your project are matching our requirement. We prefer projects that create jobs or opportunity for others.

4. start a crowdfunding

Adjust the budget of your project with result of the simulation. The investisseurs and the project owner must secure legally their partnership.

5. build of the project

The project will be implemented on the plant. All member of the project can follow the evoltution of the projects.

6. launch the project

All member of the project can follow the evoltution of the projects.

our services

Start or join project

Invite somes friends and start a new project.

Plan your project

Use the task module to allow budget to each task.

Improve your social network

Add to your network people with different skills to realize your goal.

Overview of others project

You can show and learn from others public projects on the network.

start a crowdfunding

Use the result of the simulation adjust your budget and adapt your plan.

Consulting and Support

Our expert can study your project and help you in each process step.


A entreprise is a legalized institution.


A privat entrepreneur can launch his own project with us. Our team will bring all required informations.

privat Entrepreneur